Frequently Asked Questions
Will joining the MMF give my business added status?
In the early days of the sixties and seventies when managers first played a significant role in the music business they suffered bad press, which in some cases was entirely justified. The press perceived managers as Mafioso style rogues and charlatans who were exploiting musicians. Throughout the eighties and nineties, the manager's role became more and more sophisticated and professional to the point where now there are many degree courses in Artist Management. The MMF is dedicated to giving modern managers the status they deserve alongside accountants, lawyers, and record company executives for the crucial role they hold within the music industry.
As a Member, will I have opportunities to meet other managers?
The MMF provides a network through which managers can share experiences and information. All members are encouraged to raise issues of concern and play an active part in an organization that aims to be their professional voice. Members have access to the skills and experiences of top managers who have committed themselves to offer help and information to MMF members whenever possible and are available for advice. There are active MMF chapters in the USA, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Denmark, Norway, and Finland. The International Music Managers' Forum (IMMF) is working toward developing chapters in areas of significance such as the Far East and the Pacific Rim.
Is the website a useful tool for Members?
As part of the MMF's efforts to help managers from all over the US build on their knowledge and networking, the website is an increasingly useful tool for keeping in touch with the news and events that we bring to you. The international chapters also have websites with updates for topics in their territories.
Is the MMF involved in legislative issues?
The MMF is recognized inside and out of the industry as an important representative body for music managers and the artists that they represent. The MMF works toward the development of a fairer "playing field." The MMF has direct links to politicians worldwide and will lobby them on key issues of importance to managers and their artists
Does the MMF have discounts for conferences and conventions?
The MMF is constantly securing significant discounts to music industry conferences such as Midem (France), Popkomm (Germany), In The City (UK), SXSW (USA), and NXNE (Canada). These reductions alone will easily earn you back the cost of membership within one or two conferences.
Does the MMF get involved with legal and technological developments?
The MMF continues to monitor new developments in technology particularly in regard to the Internet (such as, digital distribution, digital rights, and the income derived from digital usage of music) and new sound carriers, etc. The MMF is constantly monitoring other music business agreements such as recording and publishing contracts for new clauses which may not be in artists’ and therefore managers’ interests. The MMF is also concerned to reform various industry norms such as issues like assignment of copyright and packaging deductions in recording contracts as well as a host of other old-fashioned and blatantly unfair conditions.
I am an artist. How do I find a manager?
Whilst the MMF can not get involved with matching artists with managers we can acknowledge that choosing a manager is probably the single most important decision an artist will have to make during his/her career as a professional musician. The right manager really can make a huge impact on your career. The artist/manager relationship is just like any other personal relationship? Some relationships last forever, some for just a short while.
Do some research. Talk to your musician friends; read any relevant publications; speak to your lawyer, accountant, agent and, if you know any, people working in record companies and publishing companies; ask for recommendations. Pollstar magazine’s Management Directory is a particularly useful resource for manager listings. Also the MMF-UK website ( allows artists to post information about themselves for managers to review.